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Annette O'Toole

Annette O'Toole

Annette O'Toole portrayed Lana Lang in Superman III. She also portrayed Martha Kent in TV's Smallville and the TV movie Smallville: Finale.

Significant roles[]

  • Alice Perrin in Cat People (1982)
  • Lana Lang in Superman III (1983)
  • Miss Edmunds in Bridge to Terabithia (1985)
  • Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy in The Kennedys of Massachussets (1990)
  • Beverly Marsh in It (1990)
  • Lisa Bridges in Nash Bridges (1996-1998)
  • Dorothy "Dottie" Thorson in The Huntress (2000-2001)
  • Martha Kent in Smallville (2001-2011)


  • "I'm a fan of the Lana from the comics. I just loved her because she was sort of the underdog with Clark. "