DC Movies Wiki
DC Movies Wiki
Alias(es) Skeletor
Appeared in Justice League vs. The Fatal Five
Status Deceased
Actor Philip Anthony Rodriguez

Mano was the second-in-command of the Fatal Five, the mortal enemies of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

He is the secondary antagonist of the movie: Justice League vs the Fatal Five


Justice League vs. The Fatal Five[]

To be added

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Angtuan Physiology
    • Fatal Touch: Mano can disintegrate and burn anything with his hand by touching the item/person
    • Super Strength: He is strong enough to overpower Batman in a physical fight, as well as hold his own against Superman
    • Flight


  • Intimidation
    • Leadership
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): He was able to hold his own against Batman, but was eventually defeated using pressure points


Appearances/Voice Actors[]

Behind the scenes[]

To be added


  • Mano's design in the movie has a skull for a head instead of a regular humanoid head, like in the Legion of Super Heroes animated series.
  • As a super-criminal, Mano at one point insults the Green Lantern Corps by calling them the "Green Fascist Corps".
  • In the Justice League Unlimited episode, "Far From Home", Mano is easily beaten when Green Arrow redirects his tackle towards him by throwing him on the floor, which he accidentally disintegrates and falls through.
    • His fight with Batman sees him easily knocked out once Batman uses pressure points to disable his fatal touch.


To be added

See Also[]
