Riddler: Year One is a six-issue comic series part of the Batman Epic Crime Saga and set before the events of The Batman, it explores Edward Nashton's origins as The Riddler. The story was written by Riddler actor Paul Dano and drawn by Stevan Subic. it began publication from October 2022 and was released bi-monthly until August 2023.
To be added
- Edward Nashton/The Riddler
- Bruce Wayne/Batman
- Mister Higgins
- Mister Stone
- Zach Morley
- Annika Kosolov
- Mayor Mitchell
- John Joon
- Ana Joon
- Amadeus Arkham
- Commissioner Savage
- Carmine Falcone
- Salvatore Maroni
- Thomas Wayne
- Martha Wayne
- Oz Cobb/The Penguin (Mentioned)
- Gil Colson